How to have a healthy argument - Housewives advice

Hi guys.... Hope you all are good. Today I am going to share about how to have a  healthy fight between husband and wife.

                         Having an argument between husband and wife is a really necessary and essential one. No marriage can survive without an argument at all. A survey says that an average couple argues 7 times a day. It may be for anything in life like money, laziness, not being a good listener, not expressing their love, even for things like whats for dinner and so on... So you no need to wonder why u are always arguing with him.

                        Its actually healthy to have an argument but the ending is what matters. you must know these few tips to have a healthy argument
  • Know when to shut up and when to speak up.
  • Always consider his side too in each an every argument. If its wrong point out but if its right accept that. 
  • Do not abuse each other in any manner. Respect is very important in any relationship.
  • Think you both are playing for the same team.
  • Stay on that topic, do not bring old ones on the table.
  • Never bring an outsider to solve your problems. If its too difficult for you to handle then you can seek professional help or your common friend but never ask your friend/family or his(It can get biased and increase your problem)
  • Do not close an argument without getting a solution.
So keep these point in mind the next time you fight, who knows you may have one while you are reading this but you know " This too shall pass away ".

Stay happy and healthy will meet you soon with another interesting topic until then bye:)


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